Prices and Activities at Trisuli Riverbed Camp

March 5th 2020
Prices and Activities at Trisuli Riverbed Camp

The location of the camp will determine whether it offers additional activities like rock climbing, mountain biking, or zip-lining.

Depending on the area, Trisuli Riverbed Camp could provide outdoor activities including rafting, kayaking, and hiking in addition to other adventure activities. Depending on the activities and services provided, their package prices may change.

Table of Contents

  1. Necessary Camping Equipment to Carry
  2. Detail Camping Equipment Price
  3. Traveling and Accommodation Cost
  4. Activities to avoid doing in River
  5. Precaution to take in the Camp
  6. Things to Experience in the Trisuli Riverbed Camp

Overall, Trisuli River Camp is a fantastic location for those looking for adventure and those who love the outdoors and wish to enjoy outdoor activities in a breathtaking natural setting.

Necessary Camping Equipment to Carry

It's crucial to include the right gear while packing for a camping trip in order to guarantee a secure and fun experience. The following are some necessary camping supplies you should think about bringing:

  • Tent: A high-quality tent is necessary for camping since it offers cover from the weather and shelter.
  • Using a cozy sleeping bag and pad will keep you warm and protected from the ground.
  • Fuel for a Camp Stove: With a camp stove, you can cook food and boil water. Throughout the duration of your journey, make sure you pack enough fuel.
  • Cooler: Especially in warm weather, a cooler is necessary for keeping food and beverages cold.
  • Headlamp or Flashlight: To get around the campsite in the dark, you'll need a headlight or flashlight.
  • First Aid Kit: For treating minor wounds and diseases, a first aid kit with all the necessary supplies is required.
  • Use insect repellent to ward off bugs and shield yourself from diseases spread by mosquitoes.
  • Sunscreen: Sunscreen is crucial for shielding your skin from UV rays that might injure it.
  • Map and Compass: Using a map and compass will help you navigate the woods and return to your camp.
  • Water Filtration System: With a water filtration system, you can clean water from lakes and streams so that it is safe to consume.
  • A multi-tool or knife, a portable camping chair, weather-appropriate clothing, durable hiking boots, and shoes are additional items to think about packing.

Remember that depending on the type of camping you intend to perform and the area you will be camping in, the specific equipment you require may change. Always do your homework on the location you're going to, and ask seasoned campers or outdoor enthusiasts for their suggestions.

Detail Camping Equipment Price

The cost of camping supplies might vary significantly based on the type, quality, and brand of the particular item you need. These are some ballpark costs for some necessary camping gear:

  • Tent: Depending on its size and features, a high-quality tent can cost anywhere from $100 and $500.
  • Quality sleeping bags and pads can range in price from $50 to $200.
  • Fuel and Camp Stove: The price of a basic camp stove ranges from $20 to $100, while the price of fuel varies from $10 to $20 for each canister.
  • Cooler: Depending on its size and functionality, coolers can cost anywhere from $30 and $300.
  • Basic headlamps and flashlights can be purchased for between $10 and $50.
  • First Aid Kit: While a more complete kit could cost up to $100, a basic one can be acquired for $20 to $50.
  • Insect repellent: The price of an insect repellent bottle ranges from $5 to $20.
  • Depending on the type and SPF, sunscreen can range in price from $5 to $20 per bottle.
  • Simple compasses and maps can be purchased for less than $20.
  • Water Filtration System: Depending on the model and features, a water filtration system can cost anywhere from $20 and $100.

Keep in mind that these costs are only estimates and may change depending on a variety of variables. It's crucial to conduct your homework, evaluate prices, and select equipment that matches your requirements and spending limit. Investing in high-quality gear can also pay off in the long run because it will be more resilient and possibly last for several camping trips.

Traveling and Accommodation Cost

The price of travel and lodging can differ significantly based on a variety of variables, including the location, mode of transportation, season, and level of comfort preferred. To give you a sense of what to budget for, consider the following anticipated costs:

  • Airfare: The price of a ticket might change depending on the airline, the location, and the season. While overseas flights might cost up to $1500, domestic flights inside the US can cost between $100 and $500.
  • Ground Transportation: Depending on the location and mode of transportation, the price of ground transportation such as buses, trains, or rental automobiles can change. Between $20 and $100 can be spent on a bus or train ticket inside the US, while $50 to $100 per day can be spent on a rental automobile.
  • Accommodation: The price of lodging might change depending on the location and type of stay. A mid-range hotel can cost between $100 and $200 per night, whereas a cheap hotel or hostel can cost between $50 and $100 per night. Luxurious lodging might run you more than $500 per night.
  • Food: Depending on the location and type of dining, the price of food might vary significantly. A mid-range meal can cost $30 to $50, while a budget traveler should anticipate spending $10 to $20 for each meal. A lunch at a fine dining establishment might cost more than $100.
  • Activities: Depending on the location and activity, the cost of activities like sightseeing, tours, or entertainment can change. Simple city tours can run you $30 to $50, whilst more involved excursions might run you $100 or more.

Keep in mind that these are only estimates and may change significantly depending on a variety of variables. It's crucial to conduct research, evaluate costs, and pick travel and lodging options that suit your requirements and financial constraints. To further reduce costs, think about using travel rewards programs or visiting outside of peak times.

Activities to avoid doing in River

To guarantee safety and preserve the ecosystem, certain activities should be prohibited when visiting rivers. Here are a few things not to do on a river:

  • Drinking the water: It's vital to avoid doing so even if the river seems to be clean because it can contain dangerous bacteria or contaminants.
  • High currents can be harmful, especially for swimmers who are novices. Avoid swimming in certain regions. Swimming in authorized locations or pools that are safe for swimming is crucial.
  • Jumping or diving off of high cliffs or rocks is incredibly risky and can leave you seriously injured or perhaps dead.
  • It's crucial to refrain from littering, cutting down trees, or disturbing wildlife to protect the riverbanks and surrounding ecology.
  • Putting soap or shampoo in the river can harm aquatic life and upset the balance of the ecosystem.
  • Lighting a fire or using pyrotechnics near a river can be risky and may result in a wildfire.
  • Fishing without a permit: If not done sustainably, fishing without a permit may result in fines and harm to the local fish populations.

Avoiding these activities will help keep the river's natural beauty and safety intact for future generations to enjoy.

Precaution to take in the Camp

It's crucial to take care when camping to safeguard the environment and secure your safety. Here are some safety measures to observe in the camp:

  • Safety around Campfires: Be sure to abide by all fire safety regulations if you intend to have a campfire. Never leave a fire unattended and keep it contained in a fire ring. Always keep a shovel and pail of water handy to put out the fire.
  • Wildlife Safety: Keep your food out of the reach of wildlife and in sealed containers. Keep a safe distance from all wild animals and never approach or feed them.
  • Weather safety advice: Pay attention to the weather and make plans as necessary. Carry the right clothing and equipment to keep you safe from the elements, such as rain, wind, and cold.
  • Tent safety advice: Ensure that your tent is securely fastened and placed away from potential dangers like sharp rocks or uneven terrain. Keep your tent away from any trees with broken or dead limbs.
  • Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently and dispose of waste correctly to maintain healthy hygiene. Avoid using scented goods that can attract wildlife and only use biodegradable soap.
  • Be sure to pack out all of your rubbish and leave the campsite in the same condition as you found it. Don't harm the environment by felling trees or destroying vegetation.

You may contribute to your safety and the preservation of the environment for future generations by following these steps.

Things to Experience in the Trisuli Riverbed Camp

During your visit, you can choose from a variety of events and activities at the Trisuli Riverbed Camp. The Trisuli Riverbed Camp offers the following experiences:

  • The Trisuli River is one of the most well-liked river rafting locations in Nepal. Enjoy the rush of rafting down the rapids while taking in the breathtaking environment.
  • Camping: Take in the fresh air while spending the night at the Trisuli Riverbed Camp. Enjoy the tranquil surroundings and the sound of the river as you awaken.
  • Hiking: Enjoy a stroll over the local hills while taking in the magnificent vistas of the Himalayas. Around the camp, there are several hiking paths with varying degrees of difficulty.
  • Wildlife watching: A variety of animals, such as monkeys, deer, and other bird species, call the Trisuli River home. Try to spot some of the local wildlife by taking a stroll about the camp.
  • Cultural Activities: The Trisuli Riverbed Camp provides a variety of cultural events, such as storytelling, music, and traditional dance performances.
  • Photography: There are some breathtaking views of the river and the surrounding area from the Trisuli Riverbed Camp. Bring your camera so you may record your experience in beautiful pictures.
  • Relaxation: Enjoy some downtime by taking in the tranquil atmosphere of the Trisuli Riverbed Camp. Have a massage or just unwind by the river.


These are just a few of the numerous activities available at the Trisuli Riverbed Camp. Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural encounters, there's something for everyone.