Trek to mardi himal

March 5th 2020
Trek to mardi himal

Trekking Mardi Himal is a captivating venture in the Annapurna region of Nepal. This tolerably present-day course offers astonishing sees of the Annapurna expansion, tallying the towering peaks of Machhapuchhre (Fishtail) and Annapurna South. With its peaceful trails, wealthy timberlands, and breathtaking see, Mardi Himal is idealize for both arranged trekkers and those looking for a less swarmed elective to the more well-known courses in the district. Here’s a comprehensive coordinate to offer to help you orchestrate your trek.

Course Overview:

The Mardi Himal travel frequently starts and closes in Pokhara, the entry to the Annapurna district. The way takes you through distinctive scenes, from terraced rice zones to rhododendron timberlands and tall snow-capped dales. The most critical point of the travel is the Mardi Himal Base Camp at a rise of around 4,500 meters (14,764 feet).

Best Time to Trek:

The best time to travel Mardi Himal is in the midst of the spring (Walk to May) and gather time (September to November) seasons. Amid these months, the climate is and expansive clear, promoting marvelous permeability and comfortable temperatures for trekking. The rhododendron forests are in full growth amid spring, counting an energetic touch to the landscape.

Trekking Permits:

To travel to Mardi Himal, you will require two licenses: the Annapurna Conservation Extend Permit (ACAP) and the Trekkers' Information Organization System (TIMS) card. These licenses can be obtained in Kathmandu or Pokhara through enrolled trekking workplaces or particularly from the Nepal Tourism Board.

Trekking Itinerary:

Here’s a suggested plan for the Mardi Himal trek:

Day 1: Drive from Pokhara to Kande (1,770 meters) and travel to Deurali (2,100 meters).
Day 2: Travel from Deurali to Timberland Camp (2,520 meters).
Day 3: Travel from Timberland Camp to Moo Camp (2,970 meters).
Day 4: Travel from Moo Camp to Tall Camp (3,580 meters).
Day 5: Acclimatization day at Tall Camp.
Day 6: Travel from Tall Camp to Mardi Himal Base Camp (4,500 meters) and return to Tall Camp.
Day 7: Travel from Tall Camp to Siding Town (1,700 meters).
Day 8: Travel from Siding Town to Lumre and drive back to Pokhara.


Teahouses and lodges are available along the Mardi Himal trekking course, giving basic but comfortable comfort and dinners. It’s judicious to carry a resting pillage for extra warmth, especially at higher statures. Camping is as well an elective for those looking for a more gutsy experience.

Squeezing List:

Here are a few principal things to pack for the Mardi Himal trek:

i) Trekking boots
ii) Lightweight clothing layers
iii) Warm jacket
iv) Rain gear
v) Hat and gloves
vi) Sunscreen and sunglasses
vii) Sleeping bag
viii) Water filtration tablets
ix) First offer assistance kit
x) Trekking poles
xi) Camera

Security Tips:

Acclimatize really to maintain a strategic distance from stature affliction. Take it directly and drink a bounty of water.

i) Follow the advice of your coordinate and pay thought to climate forecasts.
ii) Stay on checked trails and respect neighborhood conventions and traditions.
iii) Carry a charged flexible phone and emergency contacts.
iv) Purchase travel securities that cover trekking activities.

Highlights of the Trek:

i) Spectacular sees of the Annapurna run, checking Machhapuchhre and Annapurna South.
ii) Tranquil timberlands of rhododendron, oak, and bamboo.
iii) Encounters with neighborhood Gurung and Magar communities, known for their warm neighborliness and well-off culture.
iv) Camping at Tall Camp with all including mountain views.
v) The quiet climate of Mardi Himal Base Camp, enveloped by towering peaks.

Characteristic Considerations:

i) Practice Take off No Take after benchmarks by organizing waste suitably and minimizing your influence on the environment. 
ii) Refill your water bottle at allotted water stations to reduce plastic waste.
iii) Support eco-friendly lodges and businesses that prioritize sustainability.


Trekking Mardi Himal is a satisfying journey that offers a curious blend of characteristic brilliance, social submersion, and open discussion involvement. Whether you’re an arranged trekker or a first-time visitor to Nepal, exploring the trails of Mardi Himal will take you with extraordinary memories and a significant appreciation for the considers of the Himalayas.

This coordinate should grant you a comprehensive graph of what to expect and how to arrange for your travel to Mardi Himal.Safe travels!