Best 10 Trekking Places in Nepal

March 5th 2020
Best 10 Trekking Places in Nepal

These are the Best 10 Trekking Places in Nepal

Annapurna Circuit - This is a classic trek that offers spectacular views of the Annapurna range, as well as diverse cultures and landscapes.
Everest Base Camp - The world-famous trek to Everest Base Camp is a must-do for adventure seekers, with stunning views of the Himalayas and Sherpa culture.
Upper Mustang - This remote area in the Himalayas offers a unique glimpse into Tibetan culture and stunning mountain scenery.
Langtang Valley - This trek is perfect for those who want to experience the beauty of the Himalayas without the crowds, and is known for its stunning glacial lakes.
Manaslu Circuit - This trek is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to the Annapurna Circuit, with stunning views of the Manaslu range and Tibetan culture.
Kanchenjunga Base Camp - This trek takes you to the base of the world's third-highest mountain, and offers stunning views of the Kanchenjunga range.
Gokyo Lakes - This trek takes you through the stunning Gokyo valley, with its turquoise glacial lakes and incredible views of the Himalayas.
Upper Dolpo - This remote region in western Nepal is known for its stunning landscapes and unique culture.
Makalu Base Camp - This trek takes you to the base of the fifth-highest mountain in the world, and offers stunning views of the Makalu range.
Dhaulagiri Circuit - This challenging trek takes you around the Dhaulagiri range, with incredible views of the Himalayas and the Kali Gandaki Valley.

Table of Content

1. Annapurna Circuit
2. Everest Base Camp
3. Upper Mustang
4. Langtang Valley
5. Manaslu Circuit
6. Kanchenjunga Base Camp
7. Gokyo Lakes
8. Upper Dolpo
9. Makalu Base Camp
10. Dhaulagiri Circuit
1. Annapurna Circuit

The Annapurna Circuit is a prevalent trekking course in the Annapurna mountain run of Nepal. It is considered one of the most marvelous treks in the world and is known for its different scenes, wealthy culture, and dazzling mountain views.

The journey ordinarily takes around 2-3 weeks to total, depending on the course taken and the pace of the trekker. The beginning point of the journey is ordinarily the town of Besisahar, which is open by street from Kathmandu. The journey can moreover be begun from other focuses, such as Chame or Jomsom, depending on the inclination of the trekker.

The Annapurna Circuit is a well known trekking course in Nepal that takes trekkers through the Annapurna mountain extend.

Here are a few stars and cons of trekking the Annapurna Circuit:


Scenic Magnificence: The Annapurna Circuit is eminent for its shocking characteristic excellence. The journey takes you through lavish woodlands, shimmering streams, and tough mountain landscapes.
Cultural Involvement: The journey gives trekkers with a interesting opportunity to involvement the culture and way of life of the nearby communities in the Annapurna locale. Trekkers can visit conventional towns, connected with local people, and learn almost their traditions and traditions.
Varied Territory: The Annapurna Circuit journey offers a wide extend of landscape, counting lavish woodlands, dry deserts, and tough mountain scenes. This assortment makes the journey more curiously and challenging.
Good Teahouses: The journey has a well-developed foundation of teahouses and lodges that offer comfortable lodging and meals.

Altitude Ailment: The journey includes a noteworthy elevation pick up, which can increment the hazard of elevation affliction. Trekkers require to take appropriate safeguards to maintain a strategic distance from height ailment, which can be life-threatening.
Crowded Path: The Annapurna Circuit journey is a well known trekking course, which implies that the path can be swarmed, particularly amid top trekking seasons.
Weather Conditions: The climate in the Annapurna locale can be unusual, and trekkers require to be arranged for all climate conditions.
Road Development: The development of a street in the locale has diminished the require for trekking and influenced the trekking encounter, particularly in the lower regions.
2. Everest Base Camp

Everest Base Camp is a trekking goal found in the Khumbu locale of Nepal. It is the beginning point for mountain climbers who need to summit Mount Everest, the most noteworthy top in the world.

The journey to Everest Base Camp is a well known experience for climbers, advertising shocking sees of the Himalayan mountains, counting Mount Everest, as well as an opportunity to encounter the Sherpa culture and way of life. The journey regularly takes around 12-14 days and covers a remove of roughly 130 km circular trip, beginning from Lukla and passing through a few Sherpa towns, counting Namche Bazaar, Tengboche, Dingboche, and Gorak Shep.

Here are a few masters and cons of Trekking the Everest Base Camp

Pros of Trekking to Everest Base Camp:

Breathtaking Sees: Trekking to Everest Base Camp offers shocking sees of the Himalayas, counting Mount Everest, which is the most elevated crest in the world. The view is genuinely awe-inspiring and a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Cultural Encounter: The journey gives an opportunity to encounter the Sherpa culture and way of life. You can visit Buddhist cloisters and submerge yourself in the neighborhood traditions and traditions.
Adventure: Trekking to Everest Base Camp is a challenging experience that requires physical and mental durability. It can be an elating encounter for those looking for a physical and mental challenge.
Accommodation and Offices: There are tea houses and lodges along the trekking course that give comfortable lodging and offices such as hot showers and great food.
Cons of Trekking to Everest Base Camp:

Altitude Affliction: The tall elevation can cause elevation affliction, which can be perilous if not overseen appropriately. It is fundamental to acclimatize appropriately to maintain a strategic distance from height sickness.
Weather Conditions: The climate can be unusual in the Himalayas, and trekkers may encounter extraordinary cold, snow, or rain. It is critical to pack suitable adapt for the conditions.
Crowds: Everest Base Camp journey is a well known experience, and the trekking course can get swarmed, especially amid top season. This can affect the quality of the involvement and make it harder to discover accommodation.
Physical Requests: Trekking to Everest Base Camp is physically requesting and requires a great level of wellness and arrangement. The elevation and the soak territory can be challenging, and trekkers ought to be arranged for long days of walking.
3. Upper Mustang

Upper Colt is a inaccessible and confined locale found in the north-central portion of Nepal. It is known for its special culture, shocking scenes, and antiquated Buddhist religious communities.

One of the highlights of the journey is the opportunity to visit old Buddhist cloisters, such as the 15th-century Thubchen Gompa, which is one of the biggest religious communities in Upper Colt. Another striking fascination is the walled city of Lo Manthang, which was once the capital of the Bronco Kingdom and is presently a UNESCO World Legacy Site.

Trekking in Upper Bronco includes climbing through farther and tough territory, with a few tall passes to cross. The journey ordinarily takes around 10-12 days and covers a separate of around 160 km circular trip. It offers staggering sees of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges, as well as an opportunity to encounter the interesting culture of the region.

Here are a few stars and cons of trekking the Upper Mustang

Pros of trekking in Upper Mustang:

Unique Culture: Upper Colt is a socially wealthy and interesting goal, known for its conventional Tibetan Buddhist culture and old cloisters. It offers an opportunity to encounter a way of life that has remained unaltered for centuries.
Scenic Scenes: The journey to Upper Colt offers dazzling sees of the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges, as well as emotional ruddy and ochre cliffs, profound canyons, and a desert-like landscape.
Remote and Off-the-Beaten-Path: The locale is generally blocked off and off-the-beaten-path, which implies less swarms and a more bona fide trekking experience.
Historical Attractions: Upper Colt has a few authentic attractions, counting the walled city of Lo Manthang, which was once the capital of the Colt Kingdom and is presently a UNESCO World Legacy Site.
Cons of trekking in Upper Mustang:

Cost: Trekking in Upper Bronco is generally costly due to the government limitations on the number of sightseers permitted in the locale, which has brought about in higher allow expenses and trekking costs.
Weather Conditions: The locale is found at a tall elevation, and climate conditions can be cruel, especially amid the winter months. Trekkers ought to be arranged for cold temperatures and snow.
Altitude Affliction: The journey includes climbing through high-altitude territory, which can cause height ailment if not acclimatized properly.
Limited Offices: Due to its inaccessible area, the locale has constrained offices such as nourishment, lodging, and therapeutic administrations. Trekkers ought to be arranged to carry their claim supplies and hardware and be self-sufficient amid the trek.
4. Langtang Valley

Langtang Valley is a lovely and picturesque valley found in the Langtang National Stop, in the north-central locale of Nepal. The valley is known for its staggering Himalayan sees, wealthy greenery and fauna, and conventional Tamang and Sherpa villages.

The Langtang Valley journey is a well known trekking course that takes around 7-10 days to total. The journey starts from the town of Syabrubesi, found roughly 120 km from Kathmandu. The path passes through rich timberlands of rhododendron, bamboo, and oak trees, and offers staggering sees of the Langtang Lirung (7,234m) and other crests of the Himalayas.

One of the highlights of the journey is the opportunity to investigate the Langtang National Stop, which is domestic to a assortment of natural life, counting Himalayan tahr, musk deer, ruddy pandas, and a few species of winged creatures. Trekkers can moreover visit the sacrosanct lake of Gosainkunda, which is accepted to have been made by Ruler Shiva.

Here are a few masters and cons of trekking the Langtang Valley

Pros of trekking in Langtang Valley:

Scenic magnificence: Langtang Valley journey is known for its dazzling mountain sees, excellent scenes, and different greenery and fauna. The valley is domestic to a few snow-capped crests, counting Langtang Lirung (7,234m), which offers a breathtaking see to trekkers.
Cultural encounter: The journey offers an opportunity to involvement the nearby Tamang and Sherpa culture and their way of life. Trekkers can visit conventional towns and connected with the local people, which can be an enhancing experience.
Accessibility: Langtang Valley is effectively available from Kathmandu, and the journey can be completed in 7-10 days. The trekking path is well-marked and moderately simple, making it reasonable for beginners.
Affordable: Langtang Valley journey is generally reasonable compared to other trekking goals in Nepal, and the taken a toll of licenses and lodging is generally low.
Cons of trekking in Langtang Valley:

Earthquake harm: The 2015 seismic tremor caused noteworthy harm to the Langtang Valley trekking course, and a few parts of the path may still be beneath repair. Trekkers ought to check the path conditions some time recently arranging the trek.
Weather conditions: Langtang Valley encounters a unforgiving winter season, and the climate can be unusual. Trekkers ought to be arranged for cold temperatures and snow.
Altitude ailment: The journey includes picking up height rapidly, which can cause height ailment if not acclimatized legitimately. Trekkers ought to take adequate rest and take after a progressive climb to maintain a strategic distance from height sickness.
Limited offices: The towns along the trekking course have constrained offices, such as nourishment, lodging, and therapeutic administrations. Trekkers ought to be arranged to carry their claim supplies and hardware and be self-sufficient amid the trek.
5. Manaslu Circuit

The Manaslu Circuit journey is a well known trekking course in Nepal that takes you around the Manaslu massif, the eighth-highest mountain in the world. The journey offers dazzling sees of the Himalayas, wealthy social encounters, and challenging terrain.

The journey takes around 15-18 days to total, depending on your pace and agenda. Along the way, you will pass through a few inaccessible towns, counting Sama Gaon, which is domestic to the Baudha Himalayan Cloister, one of the biggest religious communities in the region.

To journey the Manaslu Circuit, you will require a trekking allow from the Nepalese government, as the course passes through limited regions. You will moreover require to enlist a authorized direct and travel with a gather of at slightest two individuals. It is prescribed to journey with an experienced direct, as the course can be challenging and remote.

Here are A few of the stars and Cons of Manaslu Circuit Trek

Pros of the Manaslu Circuit Trek:

Scenic Excellence: The journey offers staggering sees of the Himalayas, counting the Manaslu and Annapurna mountain ranges, as well as wonderful timberlands, waterways, and waterfalls.
Cultural Encounter: The journey takes you through conventional Nepalese towns, permitting you to involvement the nearby culture and conventions firsthand.
Off-the-Beaten-Path: The Manaslu Circuit Journey is less swarmed than other well known trekking courses in Nepal, advertising a calmer and more inaccessible trekking experience.
Trekking Trouble: The journey is challenging, which makes it reasonable for experienced trekkers who are looking for a more physically and rationally requesting adventure.
Permit Necessities: The Manaslu Circuit Journey requires a trekking allow, which implies the number of trekkers on the course is restricted, permitting for a more select experience.
Cons of the Manaslu Circuit Trek:

Difficulty: The journey is challenging, with tall elevation and troublesome landscape, which may not be appropriate for everyone.
Permit Necessities: The journey requires a trekking allow, which can be time-consuming to get and can include to the taken a toll of the trek.
Remote Trekking: The journey takes you through farther zones of Nepal, which implies get to to essential conveniences such as power, running water, and restorative offices may be limited.
Guide and Doorman Fetched: The Manaslu Circuit Journey requires you to contract a authorized direct and travel with a bunch of at slightest two individuals, which can include to the fetched of the trek.
Weather: The climate in the locale can be unusual, with rainstorm downpours and snowfall, which may influence the trekking conditions and cause delays.

6. Kanchenjunga Base Camp

The Kanchenjunga Base Camp journey is a long and challenging trekking course found in the eastern portion of Nepal. The journey takes you through the Kanchenjunga Preservation Range, domestic to the third-highest top in the world, Mount Kanchenjunga (8,586m/28,169ft).

The Kanchenjunga Base Camp journey takes around 20-25 days to total and covers a remove of around 160km. The journey starts in the town of Taplejung and takes after the Tamur Waterway, passing through rich green timberlands, rhododendron forests, and farther Nepalese villages.

Overall, the Kanchenjunga Base Camp journey is a fulfilling and extraordinary encounter for those who are looking for an off-the-beaten-path trekking experience in Nepal.

Here are a few aces and cons of Kanchenjunga Base Camp


Stunning View: The Kanchenjunga locale is known for its breathtaking view, with sees of the Kanchenjunga massif, as well as other crests such as Jannu, Yalung Kang, and Makalu.
Unique Social Involvement: The journey takes you through a few ethnic communities, counting the Limbu, Sherpa, and Rai individuals, advertising a interesting social experience.
Remote Trekking: The Kanchenjunga Base Camp journey is a inaccessible trekking course that sees less trekkers than other well known trekking courses in Nepal. This implies you can appreciate a more select and bona fide trekking experience.
Natural Excellence: The journey takes you through a differing extend of scenes, counting elevated knolls, tall passes, and glaciers.
Wildlife: The Kanchenjunga Preservation Region is domestic to a differing extend of natural life, counting the ruddy panda, snow panther, and Himalayan dark bear.

Difficulty: The Kanchenjunga Base Camp journey is a challenging journey that requires a great level of wellness and encounter with high-altitude trekking. The course incorporates a few tall passes, soak climbs, and challenging descents.
Remote Area: The journey is found in a farther portion of Nepal, which implies it can be troublesome and time-consuming to reach the beginning point of the trek.
Weather Conditions: The Kanchenjunga locale is known for its unusual climate conditions, which can make trekking challenging.
Permit Necessities: The journey requires a extraordinary trekking allow, as it passes through a limited region that borders India. The allow is as it were issued by the Nepalese government and must be gotten through a authorized trekking agency.
Basic Offices: The journey offers essential teahouse convenience, with restricted offices such as power, hot water, and web get to. It is prescribed to bring your claim resting sack and trekking gear.
7. Gokyo Lakes

The Gokyo Lakes are a arrangement of six flawless frigid lakes found in the Sagarmatha National Stop in the Everest locale of Nepal. The lakes are arranged at an height of 4,700 to 5,000 meters (15,420 to 16,400 feet) over ocean level and are considered one of the most wonderful goals in the Everest region.

The Gokyo Lakes journey is a well known trekking course that takes around 12-14 days to total. The journey begins and closes in the town of Lukla and passes through a few little Sherpa towns, counting Namche Bazaar, some time recently coming to the Gokyo Lakes.

The Gokyo Lakes journey is a prevalent and beautiful trekking course in Nepal that offers shocking sees of the Himalayan crests and an opportunity to investigate the culture and conventions of the Sherpa individuals.

Here are a few stars and cons of the Gokyo Lakes trek


Breathtaking View: The Gokyo Lakes offer a few of the most excellent view in the Everest locale, with staggering sees of snow-capped mountains, icy masses, and turquoise blue lakes.
Unique Social Involvement: The journey takes you through a few Sherpa towns, giving an opportunity to learn around their culture, conventions, and way of life.
Fewer Swarms: The Gokyo Lakes journey is a less swarmed elective to the prevalent Everest Base Camp journey, permitting for a more tranquil and peaceful trekking experience.
Accommodation and Offices: The journey offers fundamental teahouse settlement with dinners, giving a comfortable and reasonable choice for trekkers.
Acclimatization: The Gokyo Lakes journey incorporates a few rest days to acclimatize to the tall elevation, which can diminish the hazard of elevation sickness.

Trekking Trouble: The Gokyo Lakes journey is a direct to troublesome journey that requires a great level of wellness and acclimatization to the tall elevation. The journey incorporates soak climbs, tall passes, and rough terrain.
Weather Conditions: The climate in the Gokyo Lakes locale can be erratic, with snow and rain conceivable indeed amid the trekking season (September to November and Walk to May).
Permit Necessities: The journey requires a Sagarmatha National Stop section allow and a TIMS (Trekkers' Data Administration Framework) card, which can be gotten through a authorized trekking agency.
Limited Offices: The teahouse convenience along the journey offers essential offices, such as restricted power and hot water, and web get to may be constrained or non-existent.
Altitude Affliction: The tall height of the journey can increment the chance of height ailment, which can be possibly life-threatening if not overseen properly.
8. Upper Dolpo

The Upper Dolpo journey is a farther and challenging trekking course found in the Dolpo locale of Nepal. It is a one of a kind journey that offers a see into the old culture and way of life of the individuals who possess this separated portion of the Himalayas.

The Upper Dolpo journey is a 25-30 day journey that begins and closes in Juphal, a little town in the Dolpo locale. The journey passes through a few tall passes and inaccessible towns, counting the Shey Phoksundo National Park.

The Upper Dolpo journey is a one of a kind and challenging trekking course that offers a uncommon opportunity to investigate a inaccessible and antiquated culture in the heart of the Himalayas. It is appropriate for experienced trekkers who are looking for a more off-the-beaten-path enterprise.

Here are a few masters and cons of the Upper Dolpo Trek


Unique Social Encounter: The Upper Dolpo locale is domestic to the Dolpo-pa individuals, who have protected their old culture and way of life for centuries. The journey offers an opportunity to encounter their special conventions, traditions, and devout practices.
Scenic Excellence: The Upper Dolpo locale is known for its rough mountain territory, shocking scenes, and one of a kind vegetation and fauna. The journey offers all encompassing sees of the snow-capped Himalayan crests, profound gorges, and perfect lakes.
Off-the-Beaten-Path: The Upper Dolpo journey is a inaccessible and less-traveled course compared to other well known treks in Nepal. It offers a more true and less touristy experience.
Trekking Trouble: The Upper Dolpo journey is a challenging journey that requires a tall level of wellness and involvement with high-altitude trekking. The journey incorporates a few tall passes, soak climbs and plummets, and challenging terrain.
Accommodation and Offices: The Upper Dolpo journey offers essential teahouse convenience, with restricted offices such as power and hot water. It is suggested to bring your possess resting pack and trekking gear.

Trekking Trouble: The Upper Dolpo journey is a challenging journey that requires a tall level of wellness and involvement with high-altitude trekking. The journey incorporates a few tall passes, soak climbs and plunges, and challenging terrain.
Weather Conditions: The climate in the Upper Dolpo locale can be unforgiving and unusual, with snow and rain conceivable indeed amid the trekking season (September to November and Walk to May).
Limited Offices: The teahouse settlement along the journey offers essential offices, such as restricted power and hot water, and web get to may be constrained or non-existent.
Permit Necessities: The journey requires a extraordinary allow issued by the government of Nepal, which can as it were be gotten through a authorized trekking agency.
Cost: The taken a toll of the Upper Dolpo journey can be higher than other prevalent treks in Nepal due to the allow necessities, inaccessible area, and calculated challenges.
9. Makalu Base Camp

Makalu Base Camp is a trekking course found in the Makalu-Barun National Stop and Preservation Range in eastern Nepal. The journey is named after Mount Makalu, the fifth-highest mountain in the world, which stands at an height of 8,485 meters (27,838 ft).

The Makalu Base Camp journey is a 16-21 day journey that begins and closes in Tumlingtar, a little town in eastern Nepal. The journey passes through a few inaccessible towns, counting Sedua, Tashi Gaon, and Khongma.

The Makalu Base Camp journey is a challenging and farther trekking course that offers a one of a kind and fulfilling encounter for experienced trekkers. It is appropriate for those who are looking for an off-the-beaten-path experience and need to investigate the tough mountain landscape and special social conventions of eastern Nepal.

Here are a few stars and cons of the Makalu Base Camp Trek


Scenic Excellence: The Makalu Base Camp locale is known for its staggering scenes, counting snow-capped crests, profound gorges, and lavish timberlands. The journey offers all encompassing sees of a few of the most noteworthy mountains in the world, counting Mount Everest, Lhotse, and Makalu.
Unique Social Encounter: The Makalu Base Camp locale is domestic to a few ethnic bunches, counting the Rai, Sherpa, and Gurung communities. The journey offers an opportunity to encounter their special conventions, traditions, and devout practices.
Off-the-Beaten-Path: The Makalu Base Camp journey is a farther and less-traveled course compared to other prevalent treks in Nepal. It offers a more bona fide and less touristy experience.
Trekking Trouble: The Makalu Base Camp journey is a challenging journey that requires a tall level of wellness and involvement with high-altitude trekking. The journey incorporates a few tall passes, soak climbs and plummets, and challenging terrain.
Accommodation and Offices: The Makalu Base Camp journey offers essential teahouse convenience, with constrained offices such as power and hot water. It is suggested to bring your possess resting pack and trekking gear.

Trekking Trouble: The Makalu Base Camp journey is a challenging journey that requires a tall level of wellness and encounter with high-altitude trekking. The journey incorporates a few tall passes, soak climbs and plunges, and challenging terrain.
Weather Conditions: The climate in the Makalu Base Camp locale can be unforgiving and unusual, with snow and rain conceivable indeed amid the trekking season (September to November and Walk to May).
Limited Offices: The teahouse convenience along the journey offers essential offices, such as restricted power and hot water, and web get to may be constrained or non-existent.
Permit Prerequisites: The journey requires a extraordinary allow issued by the government of Nepal, which can as it were be gotten through a authorized trekking agency.
Cost: The taken a toll of the Makalu Base Camp journey can be higher than other well known treks in Nepal due to the allow prerequisites, inaccessible area, and calculated challenges.
10. Dhaulagiri Circuit

Dhaulagiri Circuit is a challenging trekking course found in the western locale of Nepal. The journey is named after Dhaulagiri, the seventh-highest mountain in the world, which stands at an height of 8,167 meters (26,795 ft).

The Dhaulagiri Circuit journey is a 14-20 day journey that begins and closes in the town of Beni. The journey passes through a few inaccessible towns, counting Darbang, Muri, and Italian Base Camp, some time recently coming to the Dhaulagiri Base Camp.

Here are a few stars and cons of the Dhaulagiri Circuit Trek


Stunning View: The Dhaulagiri Circuit journey offers breathtaking sees of the tough Himalayan scene, profound gorges, and staggering snow-capped peaks.
Remote and Separated: The journey takes you through farther and separated locales of Nepal, absent from the swarms and commercialization of more well known treks.
Cultural Submersion: The journey offers a chance to connected with the neighborhood ethnic communities and encounter their one of a kind conventions, traditions, and devout practices.
Challenging and Courageous: The journey is a challenging and bold course that requires a tall level of wellness and involvement with high-altitude trekking, advertising a genuine test of physical and mental endurance.
Fewer Swarms: Compared to other prevalent trekking courses like Everest Base Camp and Annapurna Circuit, the Dhaulagiri Circuit journey sees less swarms, advertising a more serene and single trekking experience.

Challenging Terrain: The trek includes several high passes, steep ascents and descents, and challenging terrain that can be physically and mentally exhausting.
Limited Facilities: The teahouse accommodations along the route offer basic facilities like electricity and hot water, and it is recommended to bring your own sleeping bag and trekking gear.
Weather Conditions: The weather in the Dhaulagiri Circuit region can be harsh and unpredictable, with snow and rain possible even during the trekking season (September to November and March to May).
Permit Requirements: The trek requires a special permit issued by the government of Nepal, which can only be obtained through a licensed trekking agency and can be expensive.
Isolation: The remote and isolated nature of the trek can be a pro for some, but a con for others who prefer more social interaction and access to amenities.